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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2020

Chia Sẻ Của Người Việt 5 Châu Về Ảnh Hưởng Của COVID-19 (phần 2)

Vu Van, California, My 28/3 😱🥰👊 We passed the $10,000 mark (of the total $$ we raised from the community). Our fund is MATCHED and DOUBLED!!!! Thank you our community! And special Thank You to chú Lam Nguyen-Phuong and your family for your kind hearts!!  💪🙋‍♀️ Wow -    300+ donors within less than 12 hours since the initiative launched. This is beyond happiness! I feel very touched and heartwarming seeing the initiative H.A.T (Help A Teacher) receive flood of support of people from all corner of the world - even from a little kid who said he wanted to save his (tiny) snack money to donate and help his teachers.  It is indeed the power of community and together we stand!  And more than ever, it is also very true that as the world turns turmoil, we turn towards the community to seek hope, love and support!  Let’s keep spreading the word so we can spread the love! If each of us just donate $1 - you are bringing hope to hundreds of thousands of teachers who are struggling to make ends